On the evidence that is increasingly revealing itself the 'investment driven' PROPERTYmarket is largely responsible for the increasing numbers of people who find themselves suffering 'housing stress'. Somewhat erroneously this is being characterised as 'homelessness' when, on the available evidence, these people are being displace from the PROPERTYmarket on the grounds that they are not meeting the expectations of INVESTMENTbankers and the LANDlords who they fund in PROPERTYmarket.
A 'home' is not an 'investment' it is a human right.
Clearly the PROPERTYmarket is careless of the social and cultural sensibilities to do with 'rights'. While the PROPERTYmarket may well claim it has 'the bright to trade for a profit' it also has an 'obligation' to do so ethically – however that may be imagined.
Sadly, the point has been reached where the 'investors' have distorted the CULTURALlandscape to the point where the STATUSquo is unsustainable and indeed quite dysfunctional. If it weren't, then those currently suffering housing stress' would be minuscule in number and that way for many other reasons than fiscal delinquency.
Disrupting the STATUSquo will be a heroic effort given all that its beneficiaries have invested in it, and so heavily in its maintenance – given that it is their wellbeing, their status, their wealth, their power that is at risk. Change is clearly not on their agenda.Indeed it is not there in order to reinforce or further secure the paradigm that exists. Change will be resisted at every turn.
However, grass roots activism can cut through all this. The way forward has many barriers but none unsurmountable. It is like eating an elephant, and as Desmond Tutu pointed out, it can only be done one bite at a time.
Fundamentally, what is required is a new order of thinking within the system, albeit that it will need to draw upon the world's DEEPhistories and anthropology in order to give substance to the enterprise – the CHANGEenterprise.
Interestingly, 'the enlightenment' is unlikely to offer anything much any time soon in the way of utility albeit that the power of knowledge will without doubt be a vector for the changes that will ultimately disrupt the status quo.
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