
“It has not only become socially acceptable for our leaders to lie, it is more or less what we expect them to do. You and I have been given the historic responsibility to set things right. Together, we can do the seemingly impossible. But make no mistake, no one else is going to do this for us. This is up to us here and now. You and me.” 

Greta Thunberg, Glastonbury Festival, England, 25 June 2022

I have to do something for Earth every day. 
For some reason I have to do something for Earth every day. For 72 years I’ve done my best to show my love for Earth. * And every day I wonder, is this enough? Am I wasting my time?

Micael Mobbs Oct 2022
A few years ago I decided Earth’s climate was collapsing so fast, faster than predicted by United Nations scientists, that I would leave the city where I live, Sydney, Australia.

That I would live simply, read, sing a bit, drink whiskey and grow my own food somewhere in the country. I didn’t expect to live longer than if I stayed in the city, just to enjoy more the gift of being alive.

In the city, every day, as I walk the streets where I live I see the failed footpaths, road verges and streets. The 23% of the land area of Chippendale that is roads and footpaths, the vast money that builds and repairs and cleans the streets are all designed to treat rain water falling there and from adjoining properties as a waste product and send it away as fast as possible to pollute the downstream Sydney Harbour at Blackwattle Bay.

I’ve learnt not to see this engineering and local government blindness, to instead look up at the trees, sky, birds, to avert my eyes and ignore the continuing failure to respect water, to keep it where it falls ...... Click here to read more

Look up and over there every now and then!
Tell someone something about something!
Give a conscience a nudge!

Wasted food is the third most polluting
‘country’ after China and the U.S.

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